Sunday, February 22, 2009

Silent Reading

I believe that the school wanted us to gain more knowledge and the usage of words.I like it as I can read.In class,we cannot read it while teachers are teaching!I like reading as the stories in the storybooks are interesting and when it is a book that you choose,it will be a pleasure.At least,you can know what kind of books are your favourite!For me,I always read different books.I like those about famous people,those about mysteries and those about fashion!But,I don't really like fantasy stories.It will be according to what kind of books you read.If you read comics or magazines,it will never help with your school work.If you read storybooks that you think is able to capture your heart,it will help you with your composition as you have used the writer's usage of words to express your feelings in it.They can have a group of teachers to tell the pupils why reading is important for them in a funny way.Then,ask the pupils what kind of storybooks they would like to read.After that,they can put up book sales to attract them to read.They can have more variety of books to read and not always read the same book.They can also buy some books that most of the pupils like to be put in the library.The book that I like to read are all the Roald Dahl's storybooks.They have all captivate my heart into reading on.There is also an assessment where there is a paragraph taken from 'Going Solo',a book Roald Dahl had written.It was so hilarious!I thought it was boring when I went to the library and saw the book.But after reading the part from the assessment,I wanted to borrow the book! I wished everybody would be like me.Happy Reading!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Outside School Activies

  1. I got tuition for English, Maths and Science, another tuition on creative writing, another tuition on Chinese, piano lessons and swimming lessons.
  2. I spent 5 days on these activities(Monday, Friday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday).
  3. I spent 2 hours on Monday,Friday,Wednesday and Saturday,when it comes to those tuition. As for my piano lesson,it lasts for 30 minutes. For my swimming lesson,it lasts for about 45 minutes.
  4. The tuition are for me to get better grades for my exams. The piano lesson and the swimming lesson are to let me have the potential.
  5. Yes,they are.They helped me by letting me at least have a hobby and score well for the upcoming tests/exams.
  6. Sometimes,it is. Sometimes,it's not. Well,sometimes I just simply forgot to bring it because of the tuiton homework I'm rushing to finish at,that's all!
  7. Actually,sometimes I feel tired for the tuitions in Mondays and Fridays.As I am a P6 student, I have to prepare for any exams/tests.So,I do not have much time to practise my piano.As a reslt,my mother do not want me to go for the piano exam.anyway,it falls on July to September!
  8. Definitely!If they cannot have any futher education or potential,they would get very bored and their exams will always get very low marks.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Passion For Learning

  1. I understand that it means you have a passion to learn new things and know what is happening around the world everyday.
  2. Passion for learning is important as technologies are developing,which means that in future or now,things are starting to rely on the computers.So,we must have the passion to learn how to use the computer.
  3. My uncle,who is in his 20s and came to Singapore to study English.
  4. He got 6TH in his class in 2008 .But he did not give up and got second in class!This is what I mean about "Passion for learning".
  5. Yes.I had searched for the meanings that I don't know and I am reading books that are not about the topics that I am learning in school to improve my English.
  6. To develop further,I will try to read things that are meaningful to me.I will also check the "online dictionary" if I cannot find the words in my dictionaries.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Target Setting

  1. The purpose of setting targets for the various subjects is to help the pupils gain confidence on themselves and believe in themselves.
  2. It depends on whether if they work hard or not.If they do not work hard, the targets are impossible for them to achieve.The hard-working ones will be the opposite.
  3. I would see my 2008 SA2 results.If they are nearer to a certain grade,I would try working on it first.Then,I would work on the higher grade.
  4. I would do a particular subject's assessment each day.
  5. My parents could only help me in my chinese.They can teach me further more things than the ones in my textbooks.
  6. I would try taking down things that the teachers think that is important.
  7. They can help me by telling me about the things that are happening in the outside world which is important to us.